Governance / Management


The primary legislation governing Education and Training Boards is the Education and Training Boards Act, 2013. The The Code of Practice for the Governance of Education and Training Boards sets out guidelines which should be primarily considered as a set of standards for members and staff of the Board. Members and staff are expected to ensure that their activities in relation to the ETB are governed at all times by these standards, in letter and in spirit.



Functions: To report to the Board, not less than four times in each year, whether the Chief Executive is implementing the Service Plan, as adopted by the Board, and within the expenditure limits set by the Minister.

  • This is done by considering the monthly accounts and ad hoc reports provided to the Board by the Chief Executive
  • To advise the main committee whether to accept the accounts as presented by the Chief Executive and to recommend whether they should be signed by the Chairperson.
  • To review and report to the Board on the draft Service Plan.


Cllr Mary Bohan Chairperson
Mr Sean Duffy Member
Mr John G. O’Malley Member
Cllr Paddy O’Rourke Member
Cllr Tom Connolly Member


Functions: The main responsibility of the Audit and Risk Committee is to advise the Board on the ETB’s system of internal control operated effectively during the reporting period and that the system of internal reporting gives early warning of internal control failures and emerging risks.


Mr Des Mahon Chairperson
Mr Pearce O’Malley Member
Mr Lauri Quinn Member
Cllr Seamus Kilgannon Member
Cllr Christy Hyland Member
Mr Malachy Molloy Member


Functions: Make recommendations to the Education and Training Board on the performance of its functions under the Education and Training Boards Act, 2013, Section 10 –(j) Support the provision, co-ordination, administration and assessment of youth work services in its functional area and provide such information as may be requested by the Minister in relation to such support and (k) assess the manner in which it performs its functions is economical, efficient and effective.


Cllr. Enda Stenson Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB
Cllr. Christy Hyland Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB
Mr Pat Forde Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB
Mr. Philip Delamere Arts Officer, Leitrim County Council
Ms Mary McDonagh Arts Officer, Sligo County Council
Ms Ann Marie McGing Arts Officer, Sligo County Council
Ms Cora Maughan Mayo Comhairle na nÓg
Mr Alan Judge Forogie
Mr Noel Leahy Scouting Ireland
Ms Aedamar Keenan Tusla
Ms Elaine Scahill Údarás na Gaeltachta
Mr Adrian McGoldrick Youth Work Ireland


MSLETB Youthreach Committee has been established in accordance with Section 44 of the Education & Training Boards Act, 2013. The members of the MSLETB Youthreach Committee shall serve a term contemporaneous with the term of the ETB.The composition of the MSLETB Youthreach Committee shall be as follows: ETB Members: Garda Siochana Representatives,Juvenile Liaison Office Representatives and other Relevant Agency/Community Representatives.

The MSLETB Youthreach Committee is a Subcommittee of MSLETB and shall act as an advisory committee to the Youthreach Co-ordinators, Adult Education Officer and MSLETB in relation to the Youthreach Programme Provision within the MSLETB area.


Mr Jack Lynch Educational Specialist
Cllr. Enda Stenson Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB
Cllr. Christy Hyland Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB
Mr Pat Forde Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB
Cllr. Sean Carey Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB
Mr Michael Fahy An Garda Síochána
Mr Noel Lee An Garda Síochána
Mr Peadar Gardner Mindspace Mayo
Mr Liam Whyte Tusla
Ms Deirdre Finnerty Mayo County Council
Ms Geraldine Glacken Mayo Family Support


Music Generation Mayo, Music Generation Leitrim and Music Generation Sligo are music education services for children and young people, aged 0-18 yrs. They are part of Music Generation – Ireland’s National Music Education Programme, initiated by Music Network, and co-funded by U2, The Ireland Funds, the Department of Education and Skills and local Music Education Partnerships, (MEPs). Each service is managed locally by a Music Education Partnership in their respective counties, under lead partner Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board.

Mayo Members

MEP Member Sector
Cllr Sean Carey MSLETB Committee
Mr Tom Grady CE – MSLETB
Ms Deirdre Finnerty Head of Community Engagement – Mayo County Council
Ms Ann Marie McGing Arts Officer, Mayo County Council
Ms Catherine O’Driscoll Mayo Education Centre Nomination
Ms Emer Mayock Musician Educator Representative
Ms Barbara Varley Mayo Library Service Representative

Sligo Members

MEP Member Sector
Mr Joe Leonard Education
Mr Tom Grady CE – MSLETB
Ms Niamh Crowley Sligo Academy of Music
Mr Ken McDonald Sligo School of Rock
Mr Eddie Lee Sligo Jazz Project
Mr John McGettrick Trad / Coleman Heritage Centre
Mr Bartley Gavin Sligo County Council
Cllr Seamus Kilgannon MSLETB Committee
Mr Darragh McDaid Sligo Education Centre

Leitrim Members

MEP Member Sector
Cllr. Mary Bohan Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB
Cllr Enda Stenson Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB
Mr Mossie Martin Local Musician expert
Mr Tommy Lavelle Leitrim County Childcare Committee
Mr Philip Delamere Arts Officer, Leitrim County Council
Mr Mick Blake Local Musician Expert
Mr Brendan Murray Local Musician Expert


*Coláiste Pobail Acla, Achill, Co. Mayo

Mr. Pat Kilbane, Ms. Clodagh Geraghty, Ms. Bina Munnelly ETB Nominees
Ms. Máire Sweeney, Mr. John O’Keeffe, Ms. Angela McGlynn Trustee Nominees
Mr. Adrian Lally, Ms. Breege O’Brien Staff Nominees
Ms. Lorraine McNulty, Mr. Paddy J. Cafferkey Parents’ Nominees
(* Designated Community College 3 ETB Nominees)

Moyne College, Ballina

Cllr. Christy Hyland, Mr. Tony McGarry, Mr. Paddy Naughton, Ms. Mary Kelly ETB Nominees
Mr. Cathal DuffyMs. Maura Flynn Staff Nominees
Mr. Michael ConlonMs. Catriona Garrett Parents’ Nominees

Brendan’s College, Belmullet

Cllr. Tereasa McGuire, Cllr. Gerry Coyle, Mr. Paddy Naughton, Ms. Donna Sheridan ETB Nominees
Mr. Howard Treacy, Ms. Debbie Doyle Staff Nominees
Mr. Michael Hurst, Ms. Rose Conway Walsh Parents’ Nominees

Davitt College, Castlebar

Cllr. Tom Connolly, Cllr Therèse Ruane, Cllr. Blackie Gavin, Cllr. Lisa Chambers ETB Nominees
Mr. Gary Boyle, Ms. Elaine Mortimer Staff Nominees
Mr. Brian O’Malley, Ms. Suzanne Doocey Parents’ Nominees

Tiernan’s College, Crossmolina

Ms. Donna Sheridan, Mr. Eddie Staunton, Mr. Paddy Naughton, Ms. Nonie McGee ETB Nominees
Mr. Colm Hendry, Ms. Deirbhile Taylor Staff Nominees
Mr. Sheridan Gilmartin, Ms. Breda Ruane Parents’ Nominees

Patrick’s College, Lacken Cross

Mr. Paul Ainsworth, Ms. Mary Kelly, Ms. Nonie McGee, Mr. Pat Leyden ETB Nominees
Mr. Michael Bolger, Ms. Jacinta Kelly Staff Nominees
Mr. Paddy O’Hora, Ms. Patricia Loftus Parents’ Nominees

Coláiste Chomáin, Ros Dumhach

An Comh. Tereasa McGuire, An Comh. Therèse Ruane, Pádraig Mac Giollabháin, Pádraig Ó Cosgordha ETB Nominees
Pól Ó Fathaigh, Nóirín Nic Oireachtaigh Staff Nominees
Daithí Ó Gearbháin, Áine Uí Ghearbháin Parents’ Nominees

Westport College of Further Education

Cllr. Tereasa McGuire, Cllr. Christy Hyland, Mr. Michael Brett, Mr. Pat Kilbane ETB Nominees
Mr. Cormac Langan, Ms. Mary Greally Staff Nominees
Mr. Jason Kelly, Ms. Alison Malone Parents’ Nominees

Joseph’s Community College, Charlestown

Cllr. John Caulfield, Ms. Bina Munnelly, Ms. Clodagh Geraghty, Mr. Pat Leyden ETB Nominees
Mr. Brendan Prendergast, Ms. Ann Leydon (Ms. Teresa Coleman, Maternity Leave replacement, Meeting 08.03.16) Staff Nominees
Mr. Tommy Harrington, Ms. Maureen McEntire Parents’ Nominees
*Sr. Breege Brennan, Mr. Austin Egan Marist Nominees
(* Marist Nominees to be co-opted by Board of Management)

Ballinode Community College, Sligo

Cllr. Seamus Kilgannon, Mr. Ken Maguire, Ms. Veronica Cawley, Mr. Donal Gilroy ETB Nominees
Mr. Eoin Melia, Ms. Caroline Collery Staff Nominees
Mr. Arthur Gibbons, Ms. Charmaine Conlon Parents’ Nominees

Coláiste Iascaigh, Easkey

Cllr. Joe Queenan, Mr. Enda Cawley, Mr. Jack Lynch, Cllr. Dara Mulvey ETB Nominees
Mr. Thomas Coggins, Ms. Margaret Kennedy Staff Nominees
Mr. Sean Weir, Ms. Orlagh Clarke Students’ Nominees

Coola Post Primary School

Mr. Kieran O’Dowd, Mr. Joe Leonard, Cllr. Seamus Kilgannon, Mr. Martin Baker ETB Nominees
Mr. Kevin Brady, Ms. Breege Tighe) Staff Nominees
Mr. Harry King, Ms. Teresa O’Rourke Parents’ Nominees

Corran College, Ballymote

Cllr. Margaret Gormley, Mr. Kieran O’Dowd, Cllr. Eamonn Scanlon, Mr. Martin Baker ETB Nominees
Mr. John Ward, Ms. Mary Regan Staff Nominees
Mr. John Gardiner, Ms. Susan Finan Students’ Nominees

Grange Post Primary School

Cllr. Seamus Kilgannon, Cllr Rosaleen O’Grady, Mr. Hubert Keaney, Cllr Donal Gilroy ETB Nominees
Mr. Daniel O’Connor, Fiona Folan Staff Nominees
Mr. Darren Egan, Ms. Freda McGowan Parents’ Nominees

North Connaught College, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

Cllr. John Caulfield, Cllr. Dara Mulvey, Nicole McGowan, Cllr Martin Connolly ETB Nominees
Sean McDonagh, Geraldine Brennan
Ms. Maura Brennan, Ms. Mary Leydon Staff Nominees
Mr. Joseph McGuiness, Ms. Kelly Doyle Students’ Nominees

Carrigallen Vocational School, Carrigallen

Cllr. Paddy O’Rourke, Cllr. Enda Stenson, Ms. Patricia Ledwith, Mr. Damian Brennan ETB Nominees
Mr. Pat Coffey, Ms. Caroline Beirne Staff Nominees
Mr. Neville Patterson, Ms. Sinead Farrelly Parents’ Nominees

Drumshanbo Vocational School

Cllr. Paddy O’Rourke, Mr. Enda McGloin, Senator Paschal Mooney ETB Nominees
Mr. Aidan Shannon, Ms. Yvonne Traynor Staff Nominees
Mr. Angie Dixon, Ms. Mary Gilmartin Parents’ Nominees

Lough Allen College, Drumkeerin

Cllr. Mary Bohan, Mr. Enda Stenson, Mr. Pat Coffey ETB Nominees
Mr. Ken Maguire Co-opted ETB Nominees
Mr. Mike Doherty, Ms. Nuala Kelly Staff Nominees
Mr. Padraig Fallon, Ms. Maureen Ryan Parents’ Nominees

*Mohill Community College

Cllr. Enda Stenson, Mr. Paddy O’Rourke, Mr. Malachy Molloy ETB Nominees
Sr. Nora Burke, Mr. Donal Fox, Ms. Cait Reynolds Trustee Nominees
Ms. Evonne Maxwell, Ms. Elaine Purcell Staff Nominees
Mr. John Boyle, Ms. Michelle Gannon Parents’ Nominees
(* Designated Community College 3 ETB Nominees)
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