Community Training Centres
Training for early school leavers is provided through Sligo Community Training Centre (CTC) in Cleveragh, Sligo and at an Outreach Centre in Carrick-on-Shannon. Courses offered include Catering, Hairdressing, Sports and Recreation and a variety of ICT courses. A high proportion of learners who complete programmes in the CTCs progress onto mainline courses in other areas of the ETB. The CTCs give those who left school early a second chance at education and provide an opportunity for them to continue their studies.
CTCs are similar in nature to the Youthreach centres, catering for early school leavers from 16 to 21 years of age. Programmes are vocationally oriented, leading to major QQI awards at Level 3, 4 and 5. As mentioned previously, the centre is under the auspices of the MSLETB Training Centres and Training Provision.
In 2019, places will be provided for 100 learners in courses at the Community Training Centre.