Staff Recruitment, Management & Development

Staff Recruitment

is the policy of MSLETB that the recruitment and selection procedure shall be operated in an open and fair manner, in line with good practice recruitment and selection standards, employment legislation and free from discrimination. MSLETB’s Recruitment and Selection Procedure can be found here.

It is the policy of MSLETB’s Code of Conduct provides guidance to the staff of the MSLETB in performing their duties. MSLETB will review this Code of Conduct as appropriate. Any proposed revisions to this Code must be considered and approved at a meeting of the Board.

Staff Communication

MSLETB utilises an intranet to store and disseminate information to staff members. All new policies and procedures are emailed to all FET Managers for distribution after publication on MSLETB’s intranet and website. 

Professional Learning and Development (Staff Development)

MSLETB encourages and supports the professional development of staff through targeted learning and development initiatives. MSLETB is committed to promoting the Professional Learning & Development (PL&D) of its employees in accordance with current National Strategies, Action Plans and agreements. This policy supports the attainment of MSLETB strategic goals, as stated in its Strategy Statement 2023-2027. MSLETB employees include all staff working within the three pillars of the organisation: Further Education and Training (FET), Organisation Support and Development (OSD) and Schools. The policy aims to support a working environment where continuous learning and development is encouraged and facilitated. This working environment aims for timely and effective PL&D that is accessible to all members of staff where applicable. Timely and effective PL&D aims to improve organisational performance through the development of its key resource, i.e. its people.

MSLETB’s FET pillar is committed to promoting the Professional Development (PL&D) of its employees as well as actively promoting the National FET Strategy 2020-2024 and the National FET Professional Development Strategy 2020-2024. This procedure used in conjunction with MSLETB’s PD Policy supports the attainment of MSLETB FET staff development.

Link to Professional Development Policy

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