St. Patrick’s College is a co-educational school which caters for boys and girls from first year to Leaving Certificate. We aim to create and maintain an atmosphere within the school in which each student can fulfil their potential. As education should be for the whole person, we are concerned not only with academic success, but also with the social, physical and moral development of the individual.

The College has its state-of-the-art facilities; new classrooms, a physical education facility, canteen, as well as specialist teaching spaces for many subjects including Art, Science, Technology and Computers. This will facilitate the growing reputation of St. Patrick’s College for providing a quality educational experience.

Above all the College prides itself on being a community of people – pupils, teachers and parents – all united in a common purpose. The College has a dynamic staff whose efforts in the classroom and with extra curricular activities are reflected in the enthusiasm of a confident and talented student body. Our students are encouraged to be respectful, caring and concerned about the needs of others. This sense of responsibility is reflected in the school’s code of conduct.

When students leave St. Patrick’s College the school will have done all it can to help them to develop holistically, in the belief that society will feel the benefits as our students take their place in the world.




Contact Details
Address St Patrick’s College
Lacken Cross
Co. Mayo
F26 NW52
Telephone 096 34177
Email [email protected]
Principal Brian Jennings
Deputy Principal Declan Burke



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