Public Information and Publication of Quality Assurance Evaluation Reports
MSLETB is committed to ensuring all public information is easily accessible to all stakeholders; learners, prospective learners, staff, interested parties and the public at large. MSLETB is committed to publish and communicate accurate, objective, up-to-date and timely information on its structures, activities, FET programmes and services, its quality assurance system and the findings of quality assurance evaluations. MSLETB’s Inaugural Review Report and all published follow up items are available here.
Learner Information
MSLETB is committed to providing all interested parties with up-to-date and accurate information on its portfolio of FET programmes and services. Relevant pre-course commencement information is available to prospective learners. This information is accessible on each centre’s website and FETCH. Details include the following:
- Title of the programme
- Whether or not the programme leads to an award
- The name of the awarding body
- The title of the award
- Level of the award on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)
- The award type
- Credit values
- Anticipated learner commitment required
- Whether the programme is subject to procedure for access to the programme
- Transfer and progression opportunities, as they apply
- Outline of programme content