Second Year Simon Community Hampers
Just before Christmas, Ms O Connor’s 2nd year English class were studying their class novel, ‘Stone Cold’ by Robert Swindells. This novel focuses on the life of a homeless person in London. Through a few pre-reading activities, for instance looking at the work of ‘Focus Ireland’, writing a letter to Ireland’s Housing Minister and acting upon an email they had received from the ‘Simon Community’, this amazing group of students began collecting items, like children’s toys, confectionaries and groceries. The class made up over 30 Christmas hampers that were given to families within the Leitrim, Sligo, and Roscommon areas. To say we are proud is an understatement.
St. Vincent de Paul and Breast Cancer Ireland
Drumshanbo Vocational School are very proud of our 5th year and LCA students. At Christmas they raised a total of €920 for ‘St. Vincent de Paul’ and ‘Breast Cancer Ireland’. Our 5th year group, 5A, organised a Jersey Day, Ms McCawley’s LCVP class, 5B, organised a Christmas Jumper Day for all staff and students and our LCA (year 1) group sold Enterprise Crafts (14th December). The LCA group also had a ‘Hotel Catering and Tourism Day’. We would like to thank their teachers Ms McCauley, Ms Traynor and Ms Shanley for helping with these successful events.
Drumshanbo Vocational School’s Leaving Certs, Leaving Cert Applied (year 1) and Ms Traynor’s 3rd year Business Studies group attended ‘Healthfest’– a virtual event that took place on the 27th of January. This event was aimed at teenagers and featured experts in the areas of physical activity, nutrition and mental wellbeing. The students learned many ways to maintain a healthy mental and physical way of life. We would like to thank Ms. Traynor for organising this informative event.
European Parliament Ambassador Schools Programme
On the 12th February, Drumshanbo Vocational School participated in the ‘European Parliament Ambassador Schools Programme’. A challenge was set for the 5th year LCVP group and some 2nd year Business Studies students. Students were asked to translate a recipe into a modern European language or Irish, they then had to bake a cake as part of the programme.
The students exceeded expectations with their creativity. Taking on the challenge with great positivity and hard work. We would like to thank all the students involved in this exciting event and their teacher, Ms Traynor, for all her organising.
Breast Cancer Ireland
On the 22nd February, Ms Traynor organised a virtual presentation from ‘Breast Cancer Ireland’ for staff and students within Drumshanbo Vocational School. This programme is available to schools throughout Ireland, delivered by qualified Breast Cancer Ireland representatives. It was very informative and educated both the staff and students on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.
World Book Day
For ‘World Book Day’, on the 4th March, the English Department in Drumshanbo Vocational School organised lots of fun activities for all Junior Cycle students within the school. These activities included reading, dressing up as a character from your book, baking a book/poem, writing a poem about the joy of reading, or reciting a piece of text from the book to name but a few of the activities.
It was great to see this inspiring day celebrated within the school, as it is a day that promotes reading for pleasure, allowing the youth to transport themselves into another enjoyable world.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss