On Tuesday, the 12th November, 74 students from Drumshanbo Vocational School, along with staff from the Irish Department, took part in Gaeilge 24. Over 30,000 students in 300 schools around the country took part in this endeavour, making an effort to speak solely in Irish for 24 hours. This is not an easy thing to do in a country where English is the predominant language.
These wonderful students wore vivid red t-shirts on the day. The t-shirts were emblazoned with the words “Labhair Gaeilge liom inniu” (Speak Irish to me today). They also collected sponsorship for the event, collecting over €700. This fabulous sum is going towards a charity of their choice.
The day consisted of the students leaving class and engaging in a “Ciorcal Comhrá”. They enjoyed the refreshments that were present, while they spoke as Gaeilge to each other, as well as engaging in the many activities that were organised for the students through Irish. As the old saying goes, “Beatha teanga, í a labhairt”, (The life of a language is speaking it). Maith sibh, a dhaltaí!