Governance and Management Quality Assurance
This Section sets out the quality assurance governance structures that oversee the delivery of MSLETB’s FET provision in the region. Governance structures are positioned at both Board level and Centre level. They embrace the planning, implementation, ongoing monitoring, evaluation and continuous improvement of MSLETB’s FET programme and services.
MSLETB have developed a Quality Assurance system which is compliant with QQI’s Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines, Sector Specific Quality Assurance Guidelines for Education and Training Boards and Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines For Providers of Blended and Fully Online Programmes.
MSLETB is governed by a Board consisting of 21 members. Reporting to the Board, the Chief Executive is the Accounting Officer for MSLETB and holds responsibility for the executive management of the organisation. The reserved functions of the MSLETB Board are stated in the Education and Training Boards Act 2013. The Chief Executive (CE) and the Director of FET are ultimately responsible for the oversight of FET and its quality assurance policies and procedures.
MSLETB QA Governance Structure is shown below in Fig no:

Each group and committee have their own clear and comprehensive terms of reference.
FET Provision Governance
MSLETB is committed to ensuring corporate oversight and the separation of duties through best practice in governance policy, and to the delivery of high-quality FET programmes that are inclusive, relevant and support skills for the economy. The Board is committed to continuously enhance its Quality Assurance system and to monitor and evaluate its effectiveness over time, to ensure the highest standards in programme delivery and the learning experience. The structures in place are established to exercise governance and oversight of FET programmes from initial proposal, development, approval pre-submission to QQI for validation, delivery, assessment, review and update. All staff members are key players in the implementation and continuous improvement of quality assurance.
MSLETB has addressed the issue of risk management and has put in place an FET Risk Register, through a process of consultation with FET managers and coordinators. The register is reviewed by the FET Leaders and PLC Principals Group, and findings are presented to the Audit Committee of the Board. Currently, risks identified at centre level are raised with the relevant FET Leader and, if necessary, brought for consideration to the FET Leaders and PLC Principals Group.
In the interests of transparency all documentation of all groups and committees can be made available to the Board.