Documented Approach to Quality Assurance

Documented Approach to Quality Assurance


The MSLETB FET Quality Manual (QA) Manual provides an overview of the QA policies and procedures that communicate operational best practice and so inform all stakeholders in the Board’s FET learning community. QA Policies and Procedures articulate how MSLETB will assure the quality of teaching, learning, assessment and service activities across its FET provision. The overarching objective is to ensure consistency, fairness, transparency and the development of a culture of continuous development and improvement in all activity related to FET education and training provision throughout the region.

MSLETB operates an integrated QA system that aims to enhance the effectiveness of the Board’s core FET activities. Quality and the Quality Assurance of teaching, training and support services are the responsibility of every member of the MSLETB community. All aspects of Quality shall be overseen by the board through its structures of committees and groups, as set out in Section 2.

MSLETB has a documented approach to quality, and records its QA approach, structures and practices in its QA Manual and in subsequent policies, procedures and guidelines. These documents are not static, instead they evolve in conjunction with MSLETB updates and in response to internal and external change, as well as reflection and review by FET Quality Council. In addition, the policies and procedures are reviewed for currency and fitness for purpose at defined intervals. MSLETB QA documentation can be found below.

Please note that as new common policies and procedures are developed and approved, they will be published on this page and will replace existing individual policies and procedures which are currently available to each centre.

In general:

  •  Policies outline what MSLETB is committed to achieving within specific core areas of activity, based upon the overall FET Strategy and MSLETB Strategic Goals.
  •  Procedures describe in detail how a policy commitment shall be implemented on a consistent basis.
  •  Guidelines provide practical examples of how specific procedures may apply in particular circumstances and include suggestions for effective implementation.
  •  Each policy and procedure will be recorded in writing, unrecorded custom and practice will not be deemed an approved policy or procedure.
  •  Policies and procedures will be clear, accessible and unambiguous and written so as to be understood by all stakeholders
  •  Policies and procedures will also have a recorded date of adoption, and the date by which a review must be commenced or completed. All revisions shall be detailed in the associated document control sheet.
  •  MSLETB will update and where necessary create additional policies and procedures in line with regulatory and legal requirements.

Stakeholder Access

QA policies and procedures of interest to public information shall be published on the MSLETB website. Those directly relevant to learners enrolled in any MSLETB programmes are available on the MSLETB website. Corporate, academic and other organisational policies and procedures for staff are available on SharePoint. Only the current approved documentation shall be published on the relevant platforms.

It is the QA Unit’s responsibility to publish, on the relevant platforms, current and approved documentation and withdraw redundant documents for archiving. Only QA related documentation currently published on the MSLETB website is approved for use.


MSLETB’s QA Manual is an evolving document that changes and adapts with the environment shaping the future development of MSLETB and its practices.  MSLETB strives to construct an iterative relationship between documented QA and actual practice thus helping to ensure that structures and processes are in place to ensure a consistent fit between its documented approach and actual practice. This is consistent with QQI’s Core Statutory QA Guidelines 2016, which requires that a provider’s quality assurance system is comprehensive, fully documented, and embedded within the culture and practices of the organisation.

The structure and layout of the QA Manual is based upon the eleven sections identified by QQI in its published Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines document. Each section commences with an overall introduction followed by a more detailed narrative relating to specific areas of relevance.

All MSLETB QA policies, procedures and related documentation comply with relevant legislation and regulatory requirements and apply across all of the Board’s FET provision. While formally documented, all policies and procedures are dynamic in nature and subject to ongoing monitoring, review and update so that they remain fit for purpose over time.

Quality Improvement Process

The MSLETB quality improvement process provides opportunity for all staff to propose a change in policy and/or procedure. Policies include arrangements for the internal evaluation or review and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of policies and procedures.

The following is a list of some of the additional methods used to evaluate the quality of MSLETB’s FET provision.

  • Student feedback surveys
  • Programme meeting reports
  • External Authenticator reports
  • Internal Verification reports
  • RAP reports
  • Quality Council recommendations
  • Programme Internal Review reports
  • Programme Validation Panel reports
  • Surveys of graduates
  • Surveys of employers

The feedback obtained is used to support the continuous improvement process, within all MSLETB provision on an ongoing basis.

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