Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) Programme
The Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) programme is a full-time programme for young people who have completed their Leaving Certificate and adults returning to education. PLC courses are generally at Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Level 5 or Level 6. Courses commence in September and finish the following May. All courses are one academic year in duration.
A maintenance grant scheme for which PLC students are able to apply is available. The maintenance scheme is means tested and grants are paid along the same lines as the current third level student support schemes. Grant information is available on
Under the Higher Education Links scheme, places on selected courses in the Institutes of Technology and Universities are allocated on the basis of attainment achieved in awards by candidates on PLC courses. Details are available from the QQI website:
Applications to PLC courses are made via each individual college’s website.
Find a Post Leaving Certificate course that suits you here