Purpose and Structure of this Quality Manual
This quality manual aims to bring together in one document an overview of the Quality Assurance (QA) and arrangements of MSLETB Section 1 (this Section) provides an overview of MSLETB and its structures. Sections 2 to 12 are structured around and address the individual elements of the Core Statutory QA guidelines established by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) for providers of, Further and Higher Education and Training. This QA Manual applies to all MSLETB Further Education and Training (FET) provision.
The 11 core guidelines relate to:
- Governance and management of quality
- Documented approach to quality assurance
- Programmes of education and training
- Staff recruitment, management and development
- Teaching and learning
- Assessment of learners
- Supports for learners
- Information and data management
- Public information and communication
- Other parties involved in education and training
- Self-evaluation, monitoring and review

Profile and Background of Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board
Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB) was established under the Education and Training Boards Act, 2013 and is one of sixteen Education and Training Boards (ETBs) in Ireland. MSLETB is centrally managed under three Directorates – Further Education and Training, Schools and Organisational Support and Development. MSLETB’s FET services deliver education and training to learners across the three counties. The Head Office of MSLETB is in Castlebar, County Mayo, and there are also administrative offices in Sligo and Carrick -on-Shannon, County Leitrim.
Statement of Strategy
Under Section 27 of the Education and Training Boards Act 2013, MSLETB is required to prepare and submit a Strategy Statement to the Board for a five-year period. Through the development of the Strategy Statement, MSLETB is committed to working with partners and stakeholders to improve the delivery of education and training services for young people and adults in Mayo, Sligo, and Leitrim. MSLETB will progress towards maturing as a living, learning organisation which will lead and respond effectively to ever-changing emerging needs locally, nationally, and internationally. The Strategy Statement sets out goals and strategies in five key areas as follows:
- Teaching and Learning
- Development and Innovation
- Learning Environment and Digital Enablement
- Communication and Engagement
Culture and Organisation
MSLETB’s Strategy Statement informs the overall Operation, Policies, and Quality Assurance of MSLETB’s services and is available to view on our website Our Vision is to be a dynamic Education and Training Board providing a positive and inclusive experience for all its learners, within a professional, caring and collaborative education and training environment. Our Mission is to provide those in our communities with opportunities for enhancing their learning, life and living.
Our values and behaviours
- This Quality Assurance Manual outlines the systems and processes that govern and impact quality within MSLETB FET. It outlines governance, structures and ensures consistency and excellence in the development, delivery, review, and evaluation of all our FET courses and programmes.
- The organisation has identified core values which underpin the work of the organisation with learners, staff, and community. Alongside each of these values, corresponding behaviours have been mapped, outlining how the organisation puts the values into effect.